Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, Tumblr, WhatsApp, Reddit, Pinterest, the list goes on and on. I use Facebook. I rarely get on Instagram, I enjoy some of the rabbit holes you can fall into on Reddit, and I pin cool (I think) home stuff, knitting patterns, recipes, and whatnot on Pinterest. If you search for “social media platforms” on the interwebs, there are TONS of them, most I’ve never even heard of. I had one of those “oh they use these in other countries” moments and then remembered the rest of the world doesn’t revolve around me, so lesson learned.
I have to wonder though if we’re better off for having all of this accessibility? I mean honestly, I have 466 Facebook friends, and I know that most of them don’t care that I made Asian food all autumn long. (No Karen, we don’t care about your cashew chicken.) However, I know that SOME people like it and it’s kind of fun to stay caught up with people I might not otherwise be in touch with. I love a good meme, I can’t believe how fast everyone’s children are growing up, and I’m a sucker for pictures of dogs I don’t even know. There are a lot of good things to see!
Of course there are a lot of things that aren’t worth seeing. My all-time least favorite is “Vaguebooking”. You know what that is. Someone posts a vague message about how their life is in turmoil, gives no details, and then sits back to wait for everyone to ask what’s wrong. Ugh, WHY? I also really, really try to avoid arguing back and forth with someone in Facebook comments. It’s pointless, I have yet to see someone say “Huh, you really changed my mind” on one of those train wrecks. You do you, I’ll do me, and we’ll all be ok. (Although I admit, sometimes I can’t help myself. My mouth has been known to get me in trouble. Oops.) I say this a lot, the world would be a much better place if everyone just woke up and decided not to be an asshole everyday, but I digress.
This is what really got to me though: my iPhone telling me how many hours I’ve spent staring at it for the last week. Whoa. Think about that. Last week I averaged almost 4.5 hours a day. Granted, we had a holiday an I had some time off, but still. 4.5 hours a day? Just staring at my phone? I need to lose 10 lbs, I need to organize the pantry, I need to clean out our coat closet, I need to read a new book, I need to vacuum behind the furniture. There are so many things I could and should be doing, but then I tell myself I don’t have time. It’s definitely the biggest lie I tell myself. (Well, that and it’s ok to eat another cookie).
I don’t generally make New Year’s resolutions, because I have never in the history of ever stuck to one, but this might be an exception. Will I abandon the virtual world? No, that’s not realistic. (S.M.A.R.T. goals, people!) It’s partly why I decided to start the blog. If you’re reading this, you must care a little, and know I care too, and I’ll be honored if anyone gives me a little of their time. Our time is precious! So friends, I hope in 2020 to spend my time more wisely. I hope you do, too! (Um, but please still read my blog…)
says:Oh my, I so agree with everything you said here! So glad I saw the Wild Geese Bookshop shout out to your blog…on Facebook!! A perfect example of the “good things to see” 😉
says:Tiffany at the bookshop is the BEST!
Kathy J Stalcup
says:Definitely enjoyed reading your blog. I agree we spend too much time on our phones (as I am on mine now)…. PS.. I love seeing your creative dining habits on Facebook. I look forward to reading your future blog posts. Have a great day!