Happy New Year! It’s the first day of 2020! New year, new decade, and optical nerds everywhere are excited about this being “our year”! Oh, the bad puns and dad jokes are going to be golden.
Before I go any further, I must give some acknowledgement. Firstly, thank you to Christopher Spencer for giving me the name for the blog. After a very scientific process (a.k.a a “hey what should I name the blog?” post on Facebook) Brett and Butter was the clear winner. My second choice was Jen and Tonic, but I hate gin and I love butter, so it was really a no-brainer. Secondly, the name of this post popped into my head when I started writing. For this I must thank Michelle Nichols and Tim Hunter, who coined this phrase. I will forever think this when something crazy is about to happen!
I decided to start a blog last year, and wow, this is more nerve-wracking than I thought it was going to be. Doing layout on a website is not easy for someone with my level of perfectionist tendencies*. Deciding which pictures to use? Should that text be centered or to the left? Ugh. I’ll probably change it 10 more times, so hopefully we can all just roll with it!
My intent with this blog was to give myself an outlet for the things I like to share with my family and friends, and yet try to get away from social media (that topic will warrant its own post later on). It’s also very scary to write things that pretty much anyone can read. I have many lovely friends who were/are teachers and professors and I can FEEL them grading me! That being said, I think it’s good to do things that scare you. I know I will learn from this experience.
I have lots of ideas for things to write about, pictures to post, stories to tell, and as the blog tagline says, “randomness”, and hopefully you’ll stick with me. If you know me at all, you know this could be interesting!
Cheers! ~ Jen
*Meds help, better living through pharmaceuticals…
says:David Sullivan, I see what you did there. 🙂
Christopher Spencer
says:Thank you my friend!!!!
says:I feel as though we all can see your 2020 vision for this blog. We will be keeping an eye 👁 on you now for sure. 😆